Jeremy Siegel: Fed Should Moderate Rate Hikes

Jeremy Siegel’s 7 Economic Predictions for Advisors and Investors

While shelter inflation persists, Siegel said, “when we actually get on the ground in the housing market, selling prices are softening, not rising. Rental prices, although still rising, are not rising at the rate they once did. Now that won’t be reflected in the index for many months.”

“Thirty percent of the index is still going to be very firm. Outside of that, forward-looking inflation to me looks good and looks like the Fed can be more moderate,” Siegel said.

For Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, “I don’t want him to look at the CPI, which is for the last month in a lagged index, and say, ‘Oh, my goodness, I see .4, I see .5 and I want it to be .2, I got to keep on tightening,” Siegel said.

“He has to realize that the way the index is constructed, there is a lot of inflation that unfortunately is pushed through on that official index but has already been experienced by Americans in the market.”

Siegel said he wants the Fed to be forward-looking on what’s going on in sensitive commodities and in the actual housing market.

“Talk to those that are in it and they will find there’s less inflation than the official statistics are going to tell us over the next three to six months,” Siegel told the cable network.

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