If this isn’t allowed take it down. I posted this on a financial advice page and everyone was dead set against it. I would like any other opinions before I go and cancel this. I am a 26 y/o healthy individual. I opened an IUL policy a few months ago and I have made 3 payments of $700 per month since then. It’s is supposed to track the S&P if I’m not mistaken and give on average 6% returns and I know that’s not guaranteed and there is also a cap on returns I believe at 10%. I will be paying $8,400 per year until I am 60 unless I cancel of course. The first 10 years I will basically pay the company $20 something hundred dollars per year and after that it goes down quiet a bit. The death benefit is $738k. My planner told me that by age 60 I can retire and have $118k per year tax free at retirement which I liked because I could hopefully live comfortably and also leave my children and wife money after I am gone. My concern is maybe this is too good to be true and I’ve talked to a couple people who say $700 per month is expensive. I talked to my planner/agent whatever his title is and he said that is because they don’t understand how it works. I honestly thought I was doing the right thing by doing this and giving myself a solid future, but now I think I made a mistake. Can someone please help me out because If I’m wasting time and money I’d like to get out now rather than later. All the stuff I read on it is people either calling it a scam or people praising it. I just want to make smart financial decisions and not look back in 30 years and kick myself. Thanks for any help.

See also  My dad died his life insurance was not updated since 1992, and I wasn’t born till 1997. I contested and an Interpleader action permitted. HELP Im only 27 years old.