After attending a personal finance class where we discussed topics such as life insurance, my wife and I decided to look for a policy. We currently have always just got our life insurance through work but didn’t realize that wasn’t recommended and also that we probably didn’t have enough (work only offers like 2.5X my salary). The class made it sound like term life insurance for 20-30 year term should be pretty cheap, numbers were thrown around like $15-$30 a month for 10x our salary, and yet when we started looking, I’m being quoted closer to $145 a month for myself (35m) and $95 a month for my wife (35f). Neither of which are really affordable at the moment when we still have kids in daycare.

I just wanted to reach out and see if that was normal, or if we are maybe not looking at the correct policies? We both make about $70k a year so we were looking at $700k policies as per the 10x recommendation we learned in the class.

submitted by /u/Figginator11

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