Is there a time limit on depositing a death benefits check?

My father passed away in December, and I immediately filed a claim. A lump sum check was mailed to my listed address in March with a date on the check of March 6th. I was unable to collect or endorse the check, but I arranged to have it mailed to my brother. My brother has power of attorney for me temporarily, and he has been trying to open a bank account in my name to deposit the check, but he hasn't had any luck so far finding a bank who will do it. I do not have any other bank accounts into which he can deposit it.

I am completely unable to endorse the check or deposit it at a bank myself until July of this year at the earliest and March 2026 at the absolute latest. This check is for slightly over 250k, so it is something I would be very upset to lose. The check says "void after 90 days" on it, which will be June 6th. I called the insurance company and asked if they could change my lump sum payment into an IBA, but they said it wasn't possible with the policy.

So, once the check becomes stale, will I be unable to claim my benefits? Should I call the insurance company and have them cancel that check and issue a new one before the 90 day expiration? And do I then need to do this every 90 days? Should I try to figure out a solution to deposit the money asap, or is it OK to wait until I am home to deal with it myself? It would be nice to be in a account earning interest for the next 1 to potentially 22 months, but as long as I know I can still deal with the situation and deposit the check once I'm back to society, it will relieve a lot of stress and worry.

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Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Xtravextra