I recently asked a question about if I should be concerned about having numerous Drs appointments recently.

I’ve had some weird issues that lead to an increase in appointments and nothing ever came from it other than health anxiety and a high ANA, but all rheum tests showed no issues. I’ve had a myriad of testing, MRIs, EMG, etc. all came back clear. So aside from health anxiety and raynauds I have no pre existing conditions.

My health anxiety is under control after seeing a therapist, but this isn’t noted in my medical chart. I was prescribed an as-needed anxiety med that’s basically just a strong allergy pill used for anxiety. Nothing daily, no depression, etc.

I’m having trouble finding an independent broker but keep coming across policy genius and it seems easy. Could this work for my situation or should I be working directly with a broker to explain why I’ve had so many Drs appts etc?

I’m thinking just term insurance is all I need 29F, just want to ensure our mortgage is paid for if anything we’re to happen to me.

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