Is 1.5 Million Dollars Too Much?


I am new to all of life insurance and I am currently about to apply to a program for 75% discount of life insurance. I am based out in Canada, 26yo, Male, Non-Smoker.

What should I look for when getting an life insurance policy? And what should I generally avoid?

From my research, I’ve been recommended to not follow Whole Life Insurance since they’re argued to be a scam. Even beyond that, what is a good amount to be covered for? Is 1.5M too much?

The program I’ve applied through gives 1.5M for an amount that I could easily afford on a monthly basis, although I don’t even know if that’s an absurd amount to pay for.

For context on my life and where I want to go: Single, no children. I do want to have a wife and children one day, and I want to jump into this while its cheap at my age. Don’t have any health issues and my family tree does not either. Both parents are health for their mid 50s.

Any advice or direction on how to better make a selection on life insurance is greatly appreciated!

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