I’m confused why I’m being considered high risk for term life insurance

My wife and I applied for term life insurance and went through the whole process. Long story short, they came back and said that they'll cover me, but that I am a high risk due to elevated GGT liver enzymes.

This came out of nowhere for me as I consider myself pretty healthy and haven't heard anything about liver issues with my past blood tests. Turns out most doctors don't test GGT..

We asked about this and our agent said that high GGT levels are indicative of higher risk of mortality, and they had no idea why my levels are high. We told them that I take carbamazepine for a seizure condition that is completely under control, and that the drug is known to increase GGT and is the cause of my high levels. They still wouldn't budge.

I scheduled an appt with a specialist to get my liver checked, and the doctor basically said she has no idea why insurance even tests GGT because to them it means nothing. We went through all of the tests including an ultrasound and everything looks perfectly normal.

I guess I'm just frustrated and venting but I'm confused. For GGT enzymes, which is it? Something that indicates that I could die like the insurance company is saying, or is it something completely irrelevant if other liver function tests are normal like my doctor says?

submitted by /u/dannyling1

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