How to find a life insurance broker not tied to one company?

I'm looking to switch from my work's life insurance coverage to term life, but going through online applications is so frustrating with the vague/ridiculous questions that I don't know how to answer. For example, I had mild childhood asthma, 25+ years ago that fully went away and never came back, but the question is "Have you ever been diagnosed with Asthma?" and there's no option after saying yes to clarify "I do not have asthma".

Another issue are questions like "are you currently scheduled for or awaiting the results for any exam, procedure, or consultation?" I schedule things like physicals and other preventative care 6-12 months in advance, so there has been no time in my adult life where the answer to this question wasn't also technically "yes".

So with all that said I'd like to speak to a real person to apply for coverage, but ideally not one that is tied to 1 specific life insurance provider. I tried googling for life insurance brokers in my area, but all of them appear to be agents for 1 company. Any advice?

submitted by /u/rolliejoe

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