How Long Should Your Life Insurance Policy Last? – Money

How Long Should Your Life Insurance Policy Last? - Money

After choosing the benefit the policy will pay out, the most important decision when buying term life insurance is how many years of coverage to get. The length you choose affects not only how long you’ll be protected but the premium you’ll pay.

Term policies are the most popular life insurance option, in large part because their cost is far lower than for permanent insurance policies of the whole life and universal life types. Term lengths typically range from 10 years to 30 years, and choosing the term that’s best for you requires balancing the cost of coverage with the risk of having the policy run out when you still need protection.

The longer a policy will run, the more you it will cost you per month or year. That’s because life insurers price policies according to the likelihood they’ll have to pay the death benefit over the years the coverage is in effect, explains David Pierce, a professor of Insurance at The American College of Financial Services. “The older policyholders get, the fewer years they are likely to live, statistically speaking — therefore the increase in premium.”

The cost differences by term can be substantial, according to Ozzie Gonzalez, director of employee benefits for the JAG Insurance Group. For example, he estimates that a healthy 35-year-old male seeking $500,000 in coverage might pay around $3,000 more in premiums in the first ten years of a 30-year policy compared with opting for a policy that runs for only 10 years.

The downside of a shorter policy, of course, is that it ends earlier — and if you still require coverage when time is up, it will be more expensive than it was for your original policy, due to your age. Worse, if you develop medical issues during that time you could be shut out of coverage entirely, depending on how serious the health condition is, says Pierce.

Here’s more on the factors that should drive your decision on term length, along with how the specific term lengths may meet your needs.

Key factors when choosing a policy term

Apart from how hefty a premium you can afford, several factors are important to the length of term policy you opt to buy.

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Your age

If your family relies heavily on your income to make ends meet, Gonzalez says, consider a policy that lasts until you plan to retire — or at least until you think you’ll have enough in savings and investments for your family to be secure without that income.

The age of your children

Your kids or grandkids should also play into your decision. “Education of children and grandchildren is often provided from life insurance policy proceeds, either directly or in a trust,” says Pierce. If you have young children or plan to have them soon, term life insurance of 15 or 20 years, or longer, can offer security to your family. If something happens to you, your policy could help provide for your children until they’re through college or out on their own.

Pierce adds, too, that life insurance can also be used to provide guaranteed funds for children or other family members who have special needs, and so may require financial support even as adults.

Your mortgage and other debts

A life insurance policy should last at least as many years as you plan to spend paying off your mortgage or a substantial credit card debt. This can protect your loved ones from being responsible for your debts if something happens to you.


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