How Do I Establish My Value with Prospects?

How Do I Establish My Value with Prospects?

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“We all do the same thing.”

One of the challenges facing new agents is competing with other agents in the community selling similar products. Experienced agents have this problem too.

The problem is not unique to the insurance industry.

How do you establish your value with prospects? Put another way: What makes you different”

When I wrote my book, “Captivating the Wealthy Investor,” I needed a definition of value.

Here’s what I found from Websters Revised Unabridged Dictionary: “Value: The property or aggregate properties of a thing by which is is rendered useful or desirable.”

Over the years, I met a financial advisor in Northern California who found a way to address the “we all do the same thing” issue.

Here’s what he told me: ”Take whatever makes you different, state that as a benefit, and present it as something that makes you stand apart from other financial advisors.”

This makes a compelling argument for niche marketing.

Perhaps you were a police officer in your previous career. You retired after twenty years.

The characteristic that makes you special is you understand the job demands and stresses of the profession along with how the retirement program works.

Suppose you weren’t in law enforcement or planning on developing a specific niche? What else can you do to establish your value?

For more steps to take, see the gallery above.

(Image: Shutterstock)

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