Hello, I’m new here, so I apologize if this topic is repetitive.

I’m (35) someone with a chronic genetic disease, type 1 diabetes, an organ transplant, and end stage renal disease (waiting for a kidney transplant currently). Due to this, I am no longer employed, and my husband is a contractor with no employer sponsored insurance plan to cover me at this time. Even though we fully expect me to get a transplant and live, I’d like to have life insurance to cover my final expenses if the worst should happen. We don’t own a house, auto loans are paid off, and my student loans have been discharged due to total disability. There’s about $3000 in credit card debt. So I don’t need a huge policy.

I’ve been looking into policies that state “no medical exam” and only getting quotes for $25k tops. All these companies still ask for all kinds of medical information and then deny me. I know it would probably void the policy if I try and hide any of my medical conditions and they find out. So I’ve been up front and honest with the applications for a quote.

My question is, where do I find a company to insure chronically ill (high-risk) people? I fully expect it to cost more for me, but all the people in the world who have terminal or chronic conditions must have figured out something as they usually have funerals and I’m sure not all of them just had the money for it (especially with the cost of medical treatment in the US). Can anyone recommend a specific place to look or company that they know offers these policies? Any advice would be appreciated.

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