help- life insurance claim of my partner

hello, just wanted to reach out to the community about my(24F) partners (26M) life insurance and seek input or if anyone has gone through something similar. we are in de-facto relationship. he recently unexpectedly passed away. his sister (23F) wants half, his parents' wishes are to have it split between us. he passed without a will. i found out i have been granted 100% of the funds. not sure what i can do to ensure she gets a distribution of the funds. insurance company told me that she's not eligible because she isn't financially dependent or in an interdependent relationship with him. i've spoken to four lawyers who are all telling me the same thing that there is nothing i can do about it as trustees abide by that boundary/law. if she appeals (most likely will), she will have to go through the processes with the trustees and provide further strong evidence as to why she is entitled to get 50%. has anyone gone through something similar? thanks, would really appreciate some insight on this. i'm not familiar with it at all.

submitted by /u/Sudden-Tangerine782

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