Help- I screwed up my life insurance application

I got a notification that my life insurance policy lapsed in a frantic state I reapplied and when reading it I entered in all my information for my mental health and submitted the policy. 9 minutes later I thought I had read that it said diagnosed and it had been more then 10 years since I was diagnosed with a mental health. I quickly submitted another application saying non of the above on the mental health section because I thought I did the first one in error because I just read the diagnosed part and not treated for. I hurried and emailed the company 3 times explaining that I read it wrong the first time and resubmitted a new application thinking I corrected it by saying non of the above but in reality I just screwed myself because the first application was accurate and the second one makes it look like I was trying to lie by saying non of the above. What should I do? Does this look terrible because I misread and thought I was trying to help myself but I really misread it twice like an idiot. It was 5 in the morning and I was panicked with a newborn wanting to make sure I reinstated my policy and now I’m stressed that they will find me to be a liar when I wasn’t trying to be.

submitted by /u/OkObjective102

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