Having trouble getting details on policy

About 5-6 years ago I got a policy thorough MetLife and they have been auto withdrawing about $50/month. This was set up before we moved and I'm having a hard time locating information on the policy so I can move the direct withdrawls from my old checking account over to a new one. The emails in my history are full of dead links and the account information is not rendering. I've gone as far as scouring the HTML to see if any information is available but no luck.

I have received my annual privacy notice, but MetLife is not able to locate the account # in their system. I have talked to a few different customer service reps but they have had no luck. Right now, I just do a wire transfer monthly to my old checking account to cover this, but would like to get this sorted out. I may not even be paying for something real or valid but hate closing the checking account to see if they ask for a new form of payment.

Any suggestions on what to try?

submitted by /u/red_vette

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