Having Second Thoughts About Signing Up For a Life Insurance Policy

I am a 25-year-old African-American male who is going through a bit of a dilemma right now. For context, about a couple of years ago a lady spoke an one of our annual church conventions and my father was there at the talk. IIRC she was speaking about investing and life insurance and basically how “you can achieve the american dream if you follow these steps”. Long story short, this inspired my father to look into what investments he should make for the future. He even recommended me this book (that I haven’t read btw) that talked about personal finance and whatnot. Even though I was somewhat interested, I was also a bit skeptical. As time went on he was telling me about life-insurance and how much it would benefit me, especially if I start early and while I know he had good intentions, I am studying to become an engineer right now so I didn’t really have time to look into it.

Last month my Dad invited me to a talk at our church where a life insurance agent was speaking. He was another African-American (Ghanaian) male who I thought was charismatic and bought up good points about how “the 1% doesn’t want us to know the secrets to getting rich” or how “with time, we can achieve the American Dream if we do x y and z.” Although I have gotten some interesting information from this meeting, I had to leave early for work.

At this point, my father is a licensed life insurance agent and I asked him if I could maybe give this life insurance thing a shot, so he arranged a Zoom meeting with the insurance agent for me and filled out the application with me. After that he told me that I made the best decision in my life by doing this and that I can potentially make even more money if I became a life insurance agent just like my Dad so that I can convince more people to buy life insurance and (hopefully) become another agent. Eventually, my agent asked me to sign some documents from Transamerica relating to my life insurance policy for the final steps. However, I had this gut feeling that I just couldn’t ignore that maybe this was a bit too good to be true. So, I did my research. I had suspicions that this was a pyramid scheme and what I found on the internet kinda confirmed that. Now, my life insurance agent was pressuring me to sign up for it so that I can accumulate enough money to pass on to my beneficiaries when I die, but I don’t know if I can do this given when my Dad and the agent was saying and what I found on the internet regarding Transamerica and life insurance scams. What should I do? Thanks!

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