Grandma died and Life Insurance company "mistakenly" sent me a claim

My grandmother passed away, and I received a letter from MetLife stating I was entitled to $5000. I filled out the forms, included sensitive information and documents, and mailed them. A few days after mailing, I called MetLife to confirm they had received my letter, and they said yes. A few days later, I received an email stating their original letter was sent by mistake and that I was not entitled to the $5000. They claim my mother is the only beneficiary, not me. They are also stating that I must send a notarized letter that states, “I understand and agree I am not entitled to the $5000” in order for my mother to receive the money in a timely manner. If I don’t send any letters, MetLife has said it will likely take 60 days, which isn’t ideal considering the family needs this money to pay for funeral expenses and such.

This seems unfair. I get sent a letter telling me I’m entitled to money. The company says they made a mistake, and then they tell me I must send a notarized letter for my mother (the “correct” beneficiary) to receive the money in a timely manner. It feels like they are playing games to take as long as possible to send the money to my mother. Is there any legal recourse I can pursue, or am I overreacting? Can life insurance companies just make these “mistakes” and threaten to hold payments if we do not acknowledge their mistakes and comply with their demands?

submitted by /u/the_gloryboy

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