I found out my mother, who I havent seen in years, took out a life insurance policy in my name, as me. She forged my e-signature and made herself the beneficiary. I had no knowledge or consent. I found out and cancelled the policy. To be clear, I’m an adult over 30. This policy was not taken out when I was a minor.

I’m not sure if I can post the name of the company. They said she only needed my name and dob. They had no answer when I asked how to prevent it from happening again.

I’m floored this can happen so easily. Is it this specific company or is there really no verification process to prove you are actually you when taking out a policy? Is there anything I can do about this besides cancelling the policy? I let them know I had no knowledge of this and that she forged my signature. I dont want this to happen again at this, or any other, insurance company.

This person is not in my life. But I believe she had good intentions. I know she feels she was ‘being nice’ and ‘doing a good thing’ to have money for burial and/or funeral expenses. That’s not the point. The point is she forged my signature on a legal document. And the insurance company accepted it.

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