Filed a complaint in CA against Kemper insurance

And yes, I know about the negative reviews they have.

My great great grandma passed away in 2013 or so and left a policy in her child’s name and her grandchildren’s. We each had our own policy. My mom was able to cash hers out when my grandmother passed away with no issue.

In 2018 I emailed Kemper to inquire about the insurance and surrendering it. Spoke to a rep who gave me the info and emailed me paperwork to get notarized to cash surrender the insurance policy. I got the paperwork filled out and notarized and never heard back from Kemper in 2018 after following up.

Fast forward to know, I call again and they tell me I need to change the ownership of the policy to my name even though I have the policy that my grandma got for me specifically in my name. The rep sends me a link to fill out to change ownership. I fill it out. They say call back in 48 hours or so. I call back they say call back the next day. I call back they say wait 7-10 business days so I do.

Called back this week and the rep says they didn’t get the change of ownership form and I need to fill it out again (yes I’m upset at this point on the call but understood the rep is not the root of the issue). So I’m filling it out with the rep on the phone, I got a confirmation for the last change of ownership I filled out just 7 days prior, got another one for this one.

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Just as I finish filling out the ownership, the rep says on but you need to film out a PDF form and get it notarized. I said that I had done that in 2018 but apparently this is an estate affidavit that the heirs (my mom) need to fill out even though the policy is in my name?! Someone from legal eventually emailed me after talking to this rep and said that was correct but what am I misunderstanding. The policy is in my name. My mother nor my late great great grandmothers daughter (my grandma) didn’t need to have heirs sign an affidavit.

Anyway I’m just ranting. Filed a complaint in CA. Asking for penalties at this point and yes I have all the email documentation and proof of being asked to get something notarized in 2018.

submitted by /u/TBearRyder