Father has passed and Having Hard time getting a his life insurance

Hello, so if this is not allowed please delete.

Anyways, my father has passed away back in march and since then we tried to get everything settled. We hit an obstacle with one of the life insurance that he had. We have his policy number and everything else that’s needed to show proof of his policy, but when we called the company they are saying it doesn’t exist. Which doesn’t make any sense bc we saw a payment from them for that month and after showing that he did have one. We’ve been told to get a lawyer but someone has told us that they’ve done that before and they didn’t even get the money. He was in the army and was a veteran and gotten the life insurance when he was in the army so idk if it was something g through them. Because even when we went on military base to ask for help they were also clueless. So this maybe a long shot but I’m trying to help my mother out, does anyone know why they can’t find it or know other ways we can see what happened or other sources to find the life insurance? Thanks.

submitted by /u/Deep-Walrus-7845

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