My parents both passed away last year. They did not have all their ducks in a row so my brother and I have been slogging through everything. Found out dad has a life insurance. Policy is believe through his employer. I filed all the forms, faxed all the requested documents. Got a call a few weeks ago asking if there were any step children. No. The lady said "ok thanks thats all we need." I expected a pay out to my brother and I. Nothing has shown up so I called. They asked again about a step child. No, not stepkids. My folks were married 55 years, 1st marriage for both, no seperations. They said they have info about a stepchild. Wtf. They wont give me a name and then only info they will give me is this "stepchild" contacted them!!!!! How do I prove my mom never had and other kids than me and bro? Should I have the lawyer call? What can I do to expedite this??

We live in MO, I am co-admistrator of the estate.

submitted by /u/Altruistic_Rent_4048

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