Errors and omissions in life insurance interview

I am a new single mom and had my interview to get life insurance yesterday. I’ve been up all night about some inaccuracies and omissions from my interview yesterday. I would appreciate some advice on what to do. Should I follow up to provide more information? Will I be declined if I tell the truth? Will I be declined because they will discover the truth?

Here are the big ones:

I am on medication for anxiety. They asked if I ever have missed work because of my anxiety. I said no. In reality, I took a couple of months of leave from my previous job, supported by the recommendation of a psychiatrist. This was in 2018 (approx 5 years ago). I haven’t missed work because of anxiety since.

I said I do not do drugs. I know I have reported to at least one doctor that I used cocaine in the past (likely in 2019). I haven’t done drugs for 2-3 years now, but did not report my previous use.

I didn’t report a couple of specialists I have seen (because I honestly forgot). I had a miscarriage about 2 years ago and got a d&c procedure. I was referred to a specialist for recurrent UTIs. I had BV and then had an allergic reaction to the drug I was prescribed to get rid of it and went to the emergency room to treat the allergic reaction. I used IVF to get pregnant (there were lots of tests and prescription drugs).

Any advice would be appreciated on how I should deal with my situation. Thank you.

Edited for spelling and grammar.

Edit 2: the cocaine (mild, recreational) use was reported during my intake for IVF. I wanted my doc to know my whole history so I would know what my chances were to get pregnant. I’m not sure if my IVF records (private clinic) are part of my entire medical record.

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submitted by /u/No-Lingonberry-3599