ER visits and life insurance with living benefits? National Life Geoup

Ovwe the past 5 years , I have had several ER visits. They all have turned out to be mostly trivial diagnosis. I have gone because of the following:

1.STIFF Jaw after oral surgery ( ER doctor gave me antibiotics for infection, BUT I found out it was trismus after my Oral surgeon got back in the office

2.Accidentally took the dog's Prednisone, ER doctor said it was no big deal because only 20 mg, but I was freaking out because the med was prescribed from a vet

3 Nose bleed in the morning….I woke up and my nose was bleeding, so I went to the ER because my friend's mother had that symptom and died , the doctor said it was seasonal as during the fall many people have this symptom, as the heat dries the air.

4.One other time I went to the ER because I felt there was tightness in my chest, the doctor did all types of blood work and ECG and told me everything looked " beautiful" , and It was most likely acid reflux and sent me.home

Should these ER visits in the past years affect my application for the life insurance with living benefits???

submitted by /u/VashtiD

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