Don't Get Ripped Off By Social Media Marketing

A magic phone

If you could and would post 100 marketing posts a month, this would translate into 1,200 posts a year. Those posts would generate 36 deep looks, and about two actual “call to action” leads per year.

If you outsource your social media marketing to a marketing firm, on average, your two-lead production for 12 months could cost in excess of $5,000 per lead, or more.

But that is at 100 posts a month, and at what cost? And, remember, these are not strong leads; these are only interested people.

If the real cost is $1,000 to $2,000 a month for social media marketing, it’s easy to realize the cost becomes prohibitive.


Why is social media marketing so popular, and why do so many invest their marketing money in chasing this dream?

I think the reason is simple: It looks very cool to see the marketing pieces.

Social media marketing becomes almost mystical, and almost no one really understands how it works.

Social media sites are in control and regulate the visitors based on their business model, and there is not much we can do about it.

Here is the secret about how social media marketing makes money: The social media sites earn money by posting your marketing, the marketing company charges for the creative marketing, and we, the agents, get to pay upfront and hope for the best.

I am sorry to be the one who tells you, but social media marketing is a sucker bet unless you have some way to expand the posting to a very large number.

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Expansion needs to be in the 50,0000 to 100,000 posts-per-month range, then, you might have enough content floating around to generate leads and make sales from this source.

Bill Broich, co-owner of, also works as a content marketing strategist for financial professionals...




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