My 32yo son and his 29yo wife both have jobs that are outside and around either heavy equipment or high elevations. They are healthy and height/weight ideal. They both have work-provided $50k term policies. My son also has a 31yo whole life policy for $25k. By the end of 2024, they will have 3 children under 5 years old and monthly housing expenses and car payments totaling $4k. Daycare adds $1,100/child. I am trying to help them understand that, while money is extremely tight now, and will become even more difficult when the third child arrives, they NEED more life insurance.

They cannot afford two life insurance plans to replace the income of the other until the youngest finishes any post-HS training or college.

Is there a policy that costs a little more than usual which covers the first-to-go of a couple? I'm thinking that it would be advantageous for both providers and the insured to have a plan that- *Regular plan – covers 1 person @ $X death benefit for $Y annual cost. *Couples plan – covers 1 person of 2 named (whichever is first to die) @$X death benefit for $1.5Y annual cost.


submitted by /u/3rdCareerEMT

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