My father unexpectedly passed at the end of July. I am his oldest, 22F, and he has a younger daughter, almost 4. He divorced my mom in 2015 and remarried in 2016 but never updated the beneficiaries on his life insurance. The policy reads my mom as primary, and me as contingent. My mother seems to believe there is a Wisconsin State Law that prevents her from collecting on the policy since they are divorced. Their divorce decree does not mentions specific handlings of life insurance payouts. I have seen a WI nullification law, but have also seen a lot of things stating my mother will receive the funds. My mom does not want it, she wants it to go to me to split with my sister.

Any insight on this? I haven’t gotten my hopes up that’s I am being paid out, but I truly don’t know what to expect. My mom thinks I will get it. We both submitted claims on it last week with a copy of her divorce decree.

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/giantgingergirl

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