I posted a few days ago. I plan to consult an attorney if necessary but concerned and super anxious.

My dad died by suicide in the beginning of September. He has a universal life insurance policy through Corebridge/American General Life insurance which was established in 1986 in Hawaii. He was a resident of Nevada at the time of his death.

Now, I received the claim packet today, my dad swore up and down the life insurance beneficiaries were my sister and I (we are his adult children). The claims packet names my mother as the sole beneficiary with no other listed beneficiaries. I do not have access to the policy so I can’t be for sure what his policy states and if there were other beneficiaries but I’d assume the document they sent me would indicate so.

Now here’s the kicker, my mom and dad have been divorced for 13 years since 2011. Both parents remarried in the years following. My dad then had another child with his most current wife who is a minor.

Should I even bother with having my mom submit the claim? I know Hawaii has a revocation upon divorce law. From an insurance standpoint, what does this all mean?

Again, I plan to consult an attorney but curious what some of your thoughts may be. Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/ck_yogi

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