I’m 51. No health issues except cholesterol is a little high last checkup, not high enough for statins as of last year. bmi is in overweight territory but not obese. no big family health problems. Had a few preliminary quotes a few years ago but never went as far as a medical exam to get a real quote and to commit.

I’m looking for a 500k policy, maybe could be talked into 1mil, Basically enough to get my family through a few years til my business assets can be liquidated in the event that i kick off. I have conservatively 2 million in assets not including our paid off home, plus an inheritance of an undetermined amount that i am not counting on, but I know that my family would be fine financially in the event of my untimely death, and that’s kinda been the reason for feet dragging. No debt other than mortgages for commercial properties that are well into positive equity space. retirement savings are lower than I would like but OK.

I recently bought out a business partner, and that additional debt, though not substantial in the grand scheme of things is a psychological complication that is weighing on me to finally bite the bullet and get some kind of life insurance in place.

So I’m looking at premium term life insurance providers, chubb, pacific life, anyone else i’m missing? Thinking about a 15 year policy, might consider a longer one under the right premium and circumstances if they would have me.

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