I applied for life insurance 2 years ago at 26 and was denied for depression (and something else that I thought was ridiculous that I can’t remember). I was totally honest in the application, let them know I’m prescribed medication for the depression, and was denied without a medical exam. I just now reapplied at 28, and didn’t inform that I’m taking any medications. All they know is that I’ve had children. But after finishing the phone interview, they asked me to schedule a medical exam and stated that my previous application would be reviewed as well to compare.

So now I’m freaking out because I don’t want to get in trouble for giving conflicting information. I also am not going to do the medical exam because they would see my anti-depressants, marijuana in my system, and nicotine, and I would just get denied again so I’ll just save everyone the trouble.

If I apply to a different company and get accepted, and when my policy eventually gets paid out, do they go into your medical history to see if you lied so they don’t have to pay out? It’s not like I’m old or unhealthy or addicted to anything, I’m just trying to take a responsible precaution for my family 🫤

submitted by /u/OMYachingtentacles

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