Denied life insurance policy x2 (alcohol/drugs)
I was denied by USAA and Lincoln.
In 2020 I went to the doctor and mentioned I have alcohol dependency issues and used to take drugs. I was a raver on my 20s so my drugs of choice were cocaine, ketamine, MDMA, LSD. When I had this conversation with my doctor I was dependent on alcohol and he prescribed medicine. I didn't like the medicine so I quit taking after 1 prescription. I have since gotten clean and haven't had a drink in 3 years or used any drugs.
I had a baby 14 months ago and wanted to get a policy and was suggested to try applying to Lincoln so I did and got denied again.
I was under the impression since my contact with my physician was 4 years ago that I would have cleared the timeframe for alcphol dependency and should have gotten approved. Wrong. Got denied again
Family histiry of only Cancer but I'm BRCA negative verified by a DNA test.
Other than this I don't have any medical conditions and am very healthy. I'm 36 and work out 5 times a week. My liver functions and blood work all come back fine.
How do I go about getting coverage at this point? Any suggestions are greatly appreciate.
Please let me know if you need any other info.
submitted by /u/RTUTTLE9