Denied for high bilirubin + questionnaire answers, next steps?

I hope it doesn’t seem insensitive to be asking about life insurance in this situation (I have also been obsessing about getting diagnostics for my husband, we are worried about his health), but I’m a disabled housewife with high medical expenses and in some unfortunate circumstances, life insurance would basically be my livelihood and my way of paying my medical bills, so a denial for life insurance hits me very hard.

My husband has two existing life ins policies which end when he’s about 43 and 50, respectively. He applied for another policy (through Policygenius, for Transamerica) that would extend until he was 60, but he got denied for high bilirubin combined with some things on his medical questionnaire (which were also there the times when he got approved for the other policies).

We are doing everything we can think of to try to diagnose and treat the reason the bilirubin is high. Figuring that out is obviously our first concern — to take care of his health if anything is wrong.

But just wanted to ask on here if anyone with underwriting knowledge has any suggestions for what strategies we could use to get life insurance (or even get self-insured) down the road if he can get the bilirubin fixed, or if he is sick now but has recovered a few years down the road (since we don’t really NEED the other life insurance for a while — it’s more to cover the period after those other policies end, from age 43 to 60 or so).

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