Dad passed unexpectedly, need help navigating life insurance process with FEGLI

Figured I’d ask here since none of us really know how this works and USPS isn’t being helpful (shocker).

My Dad died on January 8th due to complications from a rare blood disorder he didn’t know he had. He was with USPS for 33 years and had a pretty large life insurance policy through work. We reported his death and overnighted everything to the OFEGLI office like we were told to almost two weeks ago now. His death certificate says pending which we were told would be no problem as long as the coroners office gave a “no foul play” letter (they did). But we have heard conflicting things about this being accepted or not.

My mom was completely financially dependent on my dad. She is disabled and doesn’t work or drive, and they had no savings. We need the life insurance as soon as possible so she can pay her rent which is now behind as well as other bills.

Has anyone had experience with this? We were advised to call Shared Services who were no help at all. We’ve tried calling so many numbers and nobody has been able to give us any information. We’re all panicking and very frustrated. Any info would help.

submitted by /u/jmida23

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