Claim agent says I may not be able to receive life insurance?

Hi. My partner passed 10 days ago from head and neck cancer. We have a slightly unusual case, we'd been married for years, but divorced eight years ago. Not for I hate you reasons, more for paperwork reasons. Seven years ago we decided to get term life on each other, along with all other powers of attorney, medical, etc, etc, etc. Pretty much marriage without the marriage.

We were divorced at the time, both passed all the health requirements, hold our own policies (I paid for and am the benefactor for the one on him and vice versa), were open about being divorced, signed everything asked to sign and never missed a payment. We also had a super amicable divorce, no denying the other anything, but also no exchange of… well, anything. We simply divorced without owing the other or barring any inheritance.

Given this circumstance, after seven years of payment, could I be denied my claim? I was also told it was suspicious. He died of cancer in hospice. The only thing I could think of as suspicious is he was 44. Any thoughts, or should I just ignore this person?

submitted by /u/maggiegas

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