Carrier for quick and easy life, disability, and long-term case insurance before genetic testing for ALS/FTD
We just found out that my family carries the C9orf72 mutation, which has a 50% chance of being passed down and will eventually cause ALS, FTD, or both. I am in a research study that tests for the mutation and just received my test kit, but the genetic counselor I spoke with highly recommended I secure a term life insurance policy, long term disability, and long term care insurance policies before testing, as I may be uninsurable if I am positive for the mutation. (I know there are some prohibitions against using genetic testing in determining insurance rates in some states, but my state is not one of them.)
I've watched too many of my family members die slow, agonizing deaths from ALS and if it's going to happen to me too, I want to make sure that my own little family wouldn't be financially devastated by it.
If I test negative, I would cancel these policies so hopefully I only have to pay for them for one month while I await test results.
What is the best company for a quick no hassle policy in each of these areas?
submitted by /u/Deadledhead