Canberra appoints members to adviser disciplinary body – Life Insurance – Insurance News

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Canberra appoints members to adviser disciplinary body

21 February 2022

The Federal Government has made 31 appointments to the single disciplinary body for financial advisers, which commenced at the start of the year.

Minister for Superannuation, Financial Services and the Digital Economy Jane Hume says all 31 will operate as part-time members of the Financial Services and Credit Panel (FSCP).

She says in a statement the candidates bring with them a range of knowledge and experience across the fields of business, administration of companies, financial markets, financial products and financial services, law, economics, accounting, taxation and credit activities and credit services.

“The members of the FSCP have been appointed following consultation with industry to ensure the membership has industry knowledge and experience,” Ms Hume said.

“Financial advisers’ misconduct will therefore be assessed and sanctioned by their peers, driving further improvements in the industry.”

The single disciplinary body is a recommendation from the Hayne royal commission.

Under changes brought in by the Better Advice Act, the FSCP within the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) now operates as the disciplinary body with its own statutory functions and powers.

ASIC will be responsible for convening individual panels to consider disciplinary matters. Each panel must consist of a chair (an ASIC staff member) and at least two other members, which ASIC must select from a list of eligible persons appointed by the Minister, Ms Hume said.

Here are the 31 part-time members:

Shabnam Amirbeaggi
Debra Anderson
Julie‑Anne Berry
Gabrielle Bouffler
Kathryn Brown
Donna Caird
Ian Chambers
James Cotis
Donald Crellin
Gary Croker
Bruce Debenham
Hamish Dee
Gary Deegan
Jennifer Diggle
Bradley Fox
David Giovanelli
William Hamilton
Katherine Hayes
Nicholas Hilton
Ross Illingworth
Chris MacEachern
David Murray
Melissa Nolan
Peter Richards
Samantha Robinson
Kevin Smith
Craig Stephens
Judith Sullivan
Gary Toomey
Lauren Walker
Matthew Wigzell

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