This morning I saw an add for an app that'll give you life insurance along with setting up wills and stuff like that and thought why not let's do it. I've gotten to part where it says that " The coverage applied for will not replace any existing life insurance policies or annuity contracts". I believe my grandma may be paying for a life insurance for me but I'm not certain. I want to setup my own to insure that any odd ends are paid for and to ensure my love gets all my money and assets. But I'm not certain If I can or can't. Do they mean I can't because she's got one, or I cam because I'M not already paying for a life insurance for me. Can someone explain this to me? I'm not trying to break any rules or laws, I just want to ensure my money goes where I want it to, because I worry my family won't follow through on my wishes if the worst happened

submitted by /u/Ok_Recipe7092

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