My mom created a life insurance policy for me when I (26M) was 4 years old and she set her, then, husband as the beneficiary. They were married 7 years and have currently been divorced almost 17 years.

To start off she made this for me to buy a house with but I found d out after she had passed away that she forgot to change the damn beneficiary. I’ve tried talking to him multiple times but everytime I do he gets angry and doesn’t want to talk about it.

I found out a few weeks ago I’m going to be a dad in 2024 and I really need this policy she created for me so I can set the child as the beneficiary. This guy has been my “stepdad” since I was three but why wouldn’t he just sign it over to me if I’m the person the policy is originally for? Is this contestable for me if he doesn’t talk about it or sign it over? I appreciate any help here as I’m unsure what to do and don’t want to burn bridges. But at the same point why would he hold something that’s not his over my head and make me beg for it. My mother wanted it used for college or my first home and would NOT want her ex husband controlling when I get it or if I even get it at all. Thanks for any helps.

submitted by /u/Bright_Owl_9560

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