Banner Life Insurance thoughts?

I was going to go with Pacific Life Insurance, I completed the whole application and then my pricing went up over $200 annually because my mother passed away from cancer at 52. It's not a genetic cancer, but they still ding for it. The insurance broker I worked with is suggesting I go with Banner Life Insurance, but I am worried about thei financial rating and customer service.

He has three options for me and says he would recommend them in this order. He says they all wouldn't dig my health score because of the family cancer history. I am otherwise healthy.

Banner Cincinnati Life Lincoln

I am also working with another life insurance agent through state farm that quoted me higher than the others originally, but now are looking cheaper than pacific life and I was told I wouldn't be dinged for the cancer history. This agent has told me to stay away from Banner, but PL would be okay. I was told they do not have a lot of money in savings they could go out of business. In that case, it may be hard to track down my policy and receive help on / claim on it if needed. I have also read about them having slow/bad customer service. The broker I am working states not to be worried about this, we would have him and his office as a resource if that were to happen.

Does anyone have any thoughts or experience with these life insurance companies? Any recommendations?

submitted by /u/Able-Level384

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