Any experience with Mutual of Omaha’s graded death benefit life insurance?

My family received in the mail a promotional application packet for Mutual of Omaha’s graded death benefit life insurance. The monthly premiums sound quite good. My parents are in their 50s and 60s, so I was kind of interested in having them buy into the insurance plan.

However, after checking customer reviews on Google, I am kind of hesitated now even though those negative reviews are from other types of insurance that Mutual of Omaha has. Some of those negative reviews were about wrongly declining to cover the claims or keep finding bs ways to avoid paying out money. Some were about customers reaching out for help but kept receiving the run around. Some were about refusing to give a refund through ignoring tactics or just flat out say no refund, even though the customers were still in the promotional period that would let them get a refund if cancelled.

So, any of of you/someone you know have ever had experience with with graded death benefit life insurance thing here from Mutual of Omaha?

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