Admitting to drug use in underwriting process.

I’m currently working on getting a policy and recently completed an interview where I admitted to being an occasional marijuana user (1-2 times a month). I understand the risk of a higher premium or being denied coverage outright due to this, but knew it best to be honest in the interview given that a medical test would likely show that information as well.

My concern is that I confirmed my usage as being recreational in a follow up question and I live in a state where recreational usage is not legal. I understand that it is my shortcomings that have brought me to this point, but will the insurance company or MIB report this information to local law enforcement?

I’m not a habitual user and have nothing incriminating aside from admitting to occasional usage, but I’m just curious if simply admitting to them in the interview would prompt some sort of law enforcement investigation given its legal status in my state.

submitted by /u/DeakVice

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