My 84 year old mother-in-law passed away earlier this year. My husband has been named the representative of her estate. We recently found out she had a small accidental death and dismemberment policy. She fell and fractured her neck early February. Before she fell she was in dialysis 3 times a week for stage 4 kidney failure. She was in the ICU for 16 days. Had surgery on her neck and could not breath under her own power after that and could not be un-intubated. 10 days after the surgery they performed a tracheostomy and gave her a PEG to give her nutrients directly to her stomach. Once she stabilized she was transported to different hospital. She was in the second hospital for 37 days before she died. Towards the end every time they tried to give her dialysis her blood pressure was dropping too low to continue treatment. The death certificate lists Sepsis as the cause of death.

We have the paperwork for the claim and it going to take a lot of effort to gather all the info needed. Will the insurance company consider her death "accidental" or a result of kidney failure?

submitted by /u/neekav

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