A question for those who sell life insurance

Hi! (Approved before posting the question) As someone who understands the importance of having life insurance, I am really interested in trying to sell. I’ve had a couple of interviews and I just need reviews from people who are actually doing the job. I’m looking for flexibility and higher pay. And truly, I like to help people. This is not just talk. I volunteer with AFTD, Make-A-Wish, and a few other organizations. I wish someone had talked to my parents before my Dad was diagnosed with major health issues so they don’t lose everything they have when one of them pass. I don’t mind to start out part time to make sure it’s right for me.

So far I’ve talked to GFI Pros: can start part time, do not have to recruit, more than life insurance Cons: leads need to be purchased, warm leads, $199 background check fee

And Sahlman Insurance Pros: do not need to purchase leads Cons: must start full time so I would have to leave my current full time job without being able to dip my toes in, they go to low income housing areas to sell, so I’d not be able to WFH

If anyone has any insight on any other companies or where you work and the pros and cons I’d appreciate it!!

submitted by /u/_UHearAboutPluto_

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