9 Questions to Get People Talking and Draw Them Out

A woman talking with her hands as someone else listens.

What You Need to Know

You can ask people what they like.
You can also ask how they got to be where they are.
Some topics might lead to conversations about the next generation.

My father taught me a valuable lesson: “Any time someone speaks, they are giving you information.”

Another useful concept to remember might recall your experiences with dating: “The person talking is the one having a good time.”

When you meet people in a social or business content, you to have the opportunity to discover commonalities. You want them to open up.

1. How did you make that happen?

The person you met is bragging a bit. They talk about a business success, a deal they put together or another major milestone. They are proud. They would love to talk more about it.

You are giving them the opportunity.

2. How did you like your hotel?

You can also ask, “Would you return?”

The person in front of you just told you about latest vacation. You may (or may not) have been there yourself.

When you talk about a destination (How was Paris?) the response might be a generalization. When you get into specifics like hotels, then they go into detail.

You pick up useful information about what matters to them.

3. How did you start your business?

This is a great question to ask a business owner. They usually love relating their “origin story.”

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They grew the business, got it through difficult times, saw opportunities and got it to where it is today.

This might lead into how they are bringing the next generation into the picture.

4. What else are you involved in?

You have met someone at a community organization event.

Obviously they support the organization — they ate present at this event. Is this their one and only community interest, their major involvement?

Probably not. It’s a question that lets you know what other causes are important to them.

5. Which is your favorite?

You are attending an event involving art. It might be an exhibition opening at the local museum or a local gallery showcasing one artist.