9 Phrases That Open Doors With Prospects

9 Phrases That Open Doors With Prospects

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Advisors are usually friendly, gregarious people, making an effort to put themselves in social situations. Opportunity might knock, but you need to open the door. The unspoken preface is, “Doors do not come to you; you must walk up to the door.”

One situation that advisors encounter is a person giving them a compliment. You need to graciously accept the pat on the back, not diminish the reason you were praised. Another time is when general talk about the economy or the stock market comes up. You want to show you are knowledgeable but not come across as trying to sell them something.

Another instance is a throwaway question, the type where the first answer that comes to mind is “fine,” followed by “thanks for asking.” 

Some expressions are useful in social situations. Others are meant for conversations you have with yourself in the mirror. Others are philosophies you should consider. 

Here are nine useful sentiments to handle a variety of occasions.

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