6 Ways to Find Common Ground With Wealthy People

6 Ways to Find Common Ground With Wealthy People

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You know how to walk up to a stranger at an event and start a conversation. Can you keep the conversation going? 

Like attracts like. This is the principle of attraction. It can be easy to meet people in social situations, but you want to form an enduring relationship. People often like to spend time with similar people. and as an agent or advisor, you want to break into this world. This means you need to make the case why “we are similar” and “you want to see me again.”

Imbalance in the initial relationship can be perceived as an issue. In the early stages, it can seem like you are doing all the giving. The wealthy like to be cultivated! You are extending the invitations, and not much benefit is coming from the other direction. This should balance itself out as the relationship matures. It might even get to the point where you are deriving the lion’s share of the benefit. You must be patient.

Here are six ways to lay the foundation and establish common ground.

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