5 Reasons We’re Scared to Talk About Life Insurance

Life Insurance Exclusions – What’s Not Covered By Life Insurance Policies?

Life Insurance = The Best Night’s Sleep

We all want to kiss our kids goodnight and sleep well, knowing they’ll be safe if we don’t make it through the night – or the next day!

So, why aren’t more of us talking about life insurance?

Well, there are probably a bazillion reasons that are outside the scope of this blog, but here are some of the top reasons I’m pretty sure we all shy away from this important topic.

Which category do you fall into, eh??

1. Lack Of Understanding

Many of us see life insurance as a thing for only the wealthy and frivolous. And it’s true that the more you earn, the more life insurance you need because if you slope off, so does your six-figure salary that your family depends on.

Schools are a bit lacking when it comes to teaching you stuff you can use IRL, so most of us don’t even hear about life insurance until we enter the big bad world of adulthood that either starts with getting a mortgage or starting a family.

And what happens when we don’t understand something?

Do we go out of our way to educate ourselves?

Do we feck?

We avoid it like the plague and talk about football or Love Island instead.

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Life insurance isn’t hip, cool or groovy (just like me). It’s not a topic worth chatting about to buds over a pint or two.

Plus, it can get confusing when advisers spew up jargon like dual life, convertible, and indexation.

And nobody wants to look stupid.

What the hell does all of that stuff mean anyway?

I’m glad you asked so I can direct you to our Dictionary:

Life Insurance Definitions Explained in Plain English

2. Nobody Likes Talking About Death

So, no one likes to be reminded of their mortality.

Life is pretty damn short, and the last thing you want to do is waste that precious time chatting about your plans post-mortem.

We Irish are notorious for avoiding the subject of death unless we’re in the thick of an actual wake, and then it’s time to let loose.

Sure he was great craic.

Why – because we’re terrified of death. Contemplating your demise is hard because it makes you think of those you’ll leave behind.

But look, better to leave them behind with a big fat life insurance cheque than head off down the road, leaving them in the lurch financially.

Therefore it’s smart to discuss your options with your family, maybe not the seven-year-old though; they’ll ask for a new bike.

By the way, if you’re on this page because you’ve just had a baby or are family planning, this blog is for you:

Life Insurance for New Parents | The Ultimate Guide

3. You Don’t Get Any Of The Cash!

Yep, this old chestnut.

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Why on earth would you hand over cash just for other people to get a big windfall of wonga?

Who wants to spend money on something that they’ll never see?

But nobody is stopping you from enjoying your money. I strongly advise you to do what you want with the money you have right now. Don’t leave yourself lying on your death bed like some regretful Scrooge.

However, when you make your way to The Great Beyond, you’ll probably have a few people you love, more than life who rely on you financially.

And that’s who life insurance is for:

life insurance gift of love

Those you leave behind.

And if you’re worried about outliving your policy, we have smart ways around this too.

Life Insurance with Cashback

Life Insurance that Pays for Itself

4. You Think You’re Too Young For Life Insurance

Another cracker.

People believe you must be over a certain age to get life insurance.

That’s only true if you want to pay more for your cover because the younger you are when you buy cover, the less you will pay in the long run.

In the eyes of a life insurance provider, youth equals health. This means you’re less risky, and your life insurance premiums are far cheaper.

I’m not urging all 20-year-olds to buy a million quid life cover now, but if they did, it would be less than a tenner per week.

However, if you are in your twenties (or the parent of a twenty-year-old), you should look at income protection now.

You’ll thank me later, and you’re welcome.

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5. It’s So Expensive

A lot of us think we couldn’t possibly afford life insurance.

Well, you’ll be surprised that life insurance is not THAT expensive.

It’s not cents cheap, but it’s not health insurance expensive either.

Plus, the younger you are, the cheaper it’ll be.

Don’t smoke; even cheaper.

No health issues – you’re laughing.

You can quote yourself happy over here on our life insurance calculator.

From there, you can apply online and compelte the whole process without speaking to a single soul.

We know most people are allergic to phone calls these days, especially from “unknown numbers” – that’s why we don’t ask you for contact details.

Sales calls 🤢

But if you ever need us, we’re right here for you.

Over To You….

As they say stateside, I’d bet a dime to a dollar that this is not your first time considering life insurance.

So whatcha gonna do now?

Have another restless night worrying about what would happen to the kids if you or your partner passed away?

Or put a plan in place so you can sleep easy.

life insurance regret

It’s up to you because nobody else can take out a life insurance policy for you.

So if you’d like my help, complete this questionnaire, and I can send you a personalised recommendation.

It’ll be fun.

No, it won’t – it’s life insurance; it’ll be morbid AF, but we’ll get there!

And I have a slew of knock-knock jokes, just in case.

Knock! Knock! Who’s there? Needle. Needle who? Needle little help getting in the door.

Let’s do this.

I promise you’ll be relieved when we do.

Just getting life insurance off your to-do list will bring you huge relief.

Chat soon.
