13 Scary Retirement Stats to Read in the Dark: 2023

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The Halloween season has once again arrived. While many people will say their biggest fear this year is not finding the perfect costume or eating too much candy, for many late-career Americans, there is another frightening specter to grapple with this fall season: their lack of retirement preparedness.

In fact, for many workers both young and old, the association between retirement planning and a vague but persistent feeling of dread is all too real. In a world where pension plans are in decline and there are big questions about the future of Social Security, much more pressure is being put on the shoulders of individuals to provide for themselves during life in retirement — and workers are feeling the pressure.

The good news is that Americans have an increasingly diverse set of retirement investing tools and services to rely on, and those who commit to retirement savings early and persistently stand at least a decent chance of achieving a dignified retirement.

Still, there is no doubt that Americans are worried about retirement and the possibility of running short of money at a vulnerable time, when returning to work is scarcely possible.

See the accompanying slideshow for 13 scary retirement statistics published this year. Brave advisors know it is only by confronting such frightening facts that they can ensure that their clients are on path toward a tranquil and sure retirement.

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