I think I already know the answer to this but I’m still going to ask.

My mother passed away one month ago and she had a $100,000 policy. She told me a couple months before she passed that her current husband was the sole beneficiary, but that’s not what she wanted. She had cancer and the last 6+ months of her life were essentially constant pain and discomfort. She intended to add my brother and I and my 4 nieces and nephew to the list of beneficiaries. Unfortunately, her quality of life was so bad she never got to changing anything. So here we sit, one month later and her husband is still the sole beneficiary. My mom told me and 2 other people before she passed what her intentions were and I informed her husband a few days after she passed because he brought the policy up.

Just a little backstory on the husband. He has accrued upwards of $115,000 in debt throughout his life. He’s always felt he had an image to uphold so he’s spent far too much on dumb shit that he in no way could afford, such as a brand new truck 3 years ago. A lot of the debt came from his previous marriage though. He’s also 82 and he plans to use every dime to pay his debts.

Is there anything we can do if it was never officially changed or are we just fucked?

submitted by /u/t_Olson2392

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