10 Financial 'Movie Plots' That Are Just Modern Remakes

10 Financial 'Movie Plots' That Are Just Modern Remakes

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The four most dangerous words on Wall Street are “this time it’s different.”

But in Hollywood, those words are inspiration for many filmmakers looking to put a modern spin on an old classic. And Hollywood loves to remake old movies. According to Insider.com, “The Three Musketeers” has been remade eight times, and “A Christmas Carol” has been remade 20 times!  (Advisors focusing on the high-net-worth market might find it useful to know “The Great Gatsby” was remade four times.)

Think of the stock market like the film industry. Many clients are experiencing the market for the first time, similar to a film they are seeing for the first time. But experienced financial advisors, much like movie buffs, know they’re just watching a remake of an older film.

First-time viewers might be wowed by seeing the latest version. But an experienced critic will view the latest remake in the context of the previous releases. And remember: sometimes the remake will change key details or even the ending, but the characters and major plot points are usually similar.

Take a look at the gallery for 10 modern market and economic developments that are just remakes from the past.

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