You’re Invited: InsurTech Legal Academy Webinar Presented by Locke Lord and InsurTechNY

Update: LL Surplus Lines Series (Entry 35): Surplus Lines Working Group Exposes Changes to IID Plan of Operation for Alien Insurers

Join Locke Lord and InsurTechNY for their InsurTech Academy webinar series on legal and regulatory issues ‎impacting the InsurTech industry. Each quarter, we’ll tackle a new important topic, starting with a primer on ‎surplus lines insurance for InsurTechs.‎

Brian Casey and Zachary Lerner, Partners at Locke Lord will present “Surplus Lines Insurance for InsurTechs” on June 28 at 1 PM (ET). This webinar will focus on the intricacies of the excess and surplus lines insurance market, including the legal challenges facing insurers, brokers, adjusters and insureds. It is a common misconception that the nonadmitted insurance space is unregulated, but in reality the surplus lines market comes with its own unique and nuanced legal challenges that vary from state to state. Please tune in to this presentation to learn about the surplus lines market and the common misconceptions and legal hurdles that must be navigated by the insurance community.

Click here to register.

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