You'll Never Be As Free As A Car Flying Off Of A Cliff

You'll Never Be As Free As A Car Flying Off Of A Cliff

We all love cars here at Jalopnik, and one of the reasons is it is really badass to watch them get absolutely wrecked. That’s why this video has caught our attention. It’s drone footage from this year’s car launch in Alaska, where locals – as you may have guessed – launch cars off a cliff. It’s a super rad affair.

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We’ve talked about this event before. Every Fourth of July since 2005, the town of Glacier View, Alaska chucks a bunch of cars off a cliff. Fantastic. We usually get views from either the top of the mountain or the valley where the cars land, but this video gives us something different” a bird’s eye view of the carnage. It’s majestic.

We can thank Reme Morales, a New York City-based content creator and drone pilot for the amazing video. The dramatic music helps to make the video even sicker. In just a few seconds, we’re treated to half a dozen cars meeting their complete annihilation at the hands of some wacky Alaskans.

In just three days, the video has garnered nearly 100,000 likes and over 1,000 comments on Instagram. I get why. This is the sort of content we live for.

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